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An endoscopy is a non-surgical test in which a physician can examine a patient’s gastrointestinal (GI) tract. During an endoscopy, a long narrow, flexible tube with a light and tiny camera, called an endoscope, is used to examine the inside of your body (endo=within; scope=look).

  • Upper endoscopy allows the doctor to look inside the esophagus (the tube running from your mouth to your stomach), stomach and upper part of the small intestine.
  • Lower endoscopy allows the doctor to examine your lower GI tract. Your entire colon and rectum can be examined (colonoscopy), or just the lower part, the rectum and sigmoid colon (sigmoidoscopy).

Planning for your endoscopy

Endoscopy is done while you are under sedation medication that will make you sleepy and comfortable. Once the sedative has been given to you, the state of Connecticut requires that a responsible adult (18 or older) must accompany you home.

  • You cannot drive yourself home after your procedure. If you arrive planning to do so, your procedure will be cancelled.
  • If you arrive planning to walk home, your procedure will be cancelled.
  • You cannot take a taxi home alone, but may do so accompanied by an adult.
  • You may use People to Places transportation if you are a member.

During the procedure and recovery

Once you are in the procedure room, you will be connected to monitors to record vital signs. An oxygen cannula (a device with two short prongs that fit in the openings of your nostrils) will be placed in your nose, so that a low dose of oxygen can be supplied during your procedure. You will be asked to lie on your left side for the procedure. If you have any difficulties with this position, please let the nurse know.

When the doctor arrives, you will be given medication through the intravenous line. This medicine works quickly and will make you feel sleepy and comfortable. Additional medication will be given throughout the procedure, as needed.

When the procedure is completed, you will be moved to the recovery area where vital signs will be monitored for about one hour. We will give you something to drink and will make sure you understand instructions for caring for yourself at home after the procedure.

Shortly before you are ready to go home, the nurse will call your ride or inform the person who is waiting for you that it is time to bring the car to the discharge area.

Information regarding the following will be shared with you by a hospital representative after you have been scheduled for your procedure:

  • How to pre-register 
  • Physical preparation for the procedure
  • Arriving and parking the day of the procedure 
  • Admission the day of the procedure 
  • Discharge information
Yale School of Medicine

Yale New Haven Health is proud to be affiliated with the prestigious Yale University and its highly ranked Yale School of Medicine.