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Board of Trustees and Administration

Board of Trustees

William Aseltyne, Assistant Secretary
Frank Ciminiello, MD
Mihaela Costin, MD
Karen M. Daley
Anne Diamond, DBA, JD, President
John J. Falconi, Vice Chair
Eugene A. Fridland
Karen E. Gibbs, MD
Ceasar Irby, DPM
Gail Kosyla, Treasurer

Thomas D. Lenci
Jill Mayer
Richard C. Meisenheimer
Emil Meshberg, Secretary
Patrick Noland
Ronald B. Noren, Esq.
Meredith B. Reuben
Ed Rodriquez, Chair
Chad Tredway
Samuel Wilson

Senior Management

Anne Diamond, DBA, JD


Anne Diamond, DBA, JD brings more than 30 years of experience in healthcare. Most recently, Diamond served as president of Day Kimball Hospital in Putnam, CT, after leading UConn Health’s John Dempsey Hospital as chief executive officer. Diamond began her healthcare career as a nuclear medicine technologist and worked at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY, before she was recruited to the Electric Power Research Institute in Palo Alto, CA.

Diamond holds a doctorate in business administration, homeland security, leadership and policy, an executive juris doctor degree with a concentration in health law from Concord School of Law and a bachelor’s degree in nuclear medicine technology from Cedar Crest College.

Mary C. Christoffersen, DNP, RN

Senior Vice President
Chief Nursing Officer

Victor Morris, MD

Senior Vice President, Medical Affairs
Chief Medical Officer

Vice Presidents

Joubin Bavarian, MHA, BSN

Vice President, Operations

Jessica Grippo

Vice President, Finance

Morgan Hills, PT, MBA

Vice President, Operations

Dan Walsh

Vice President, Support Services and Facilities

President of the Foundation

Stephen M. Jakab, CFRE

President of the Foundation